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Here you can find details of our regular and special services, along with details of our Seasonal Services.

When visiting St John's, please respect those who wish to observe social distancing and hygiene measures.


8.30am and 11.00am


Thursday 10.00am

Other seasonal services as advertised.

For Baptism and wedding inquiries please contact Fr David.


Saturday 21st December Carol Service, followed by the Christmas Party

Sunday 22nd December Crib Service during the 11.00am Mass

Tuesday 24th December Christmas Eve Midnight Mass at 11.00pm

Wednesday 25th December Christmas Day Mass at 10.00am

During Advent we look forward to welcoming the Bishop of London who will preach at the 11.00am Mass on 15th December and the Archdeacon of Charring Cross who will join us on 1st December.


St John's Vicarage 

Kilburn Lane 


W10 4AA 

020 8969 2615